Agribusiness and Government Agencies Software

Increasing demand along with shrinking budgets have both state agencies and agribusiness companies constantly in need of optimization. Kelly Registration Systems stays at the forefront helping both state agencies as well as agribusiness companies build and implement more accurate and efficient systems for registrations, licensing and inspections and investigations. Our SaaS solutions provide robust back-office management enabling seamless digital interaction with registrants and licensees.

Kelly State Administrative Management System (KSAMS)

It’s the goal of agribusiness companies to produce products efficiently and in a profitable manner. At the same time, state agricultural agencies must regulate these products. Kelly Registration Systems bridges the divide through KSAMS, its State Administrative Management System tool. This business management software comes in two versions: KSAMS-pr (product registrations) and KSAMS-bdi (business, dealers, and individuals).

KSAMS-pr for Product Registrations

In an effort to help agencies expedite the state registration and renewal process, KSAMS-pr offers a wholly comprehensive solution. Through the KSAMS-pr tool, we offer hosted automation to help government agencies accomplish more even while faced with shrinking budgets. This platform partners with the rest of the Kelly Registration System suite of software tools. Participating states can manage all registrations and renewals online.

KSAMS-bdi for Licensing for Businesses, Dealers, and Individuals

KSAMS-bdi allows state agencies to have a single departmental solution for licensing and payment processing, making a formerly paper-based process more cost-effective and efficient. The historically time-consuming regulatory process is replaced with abilities to immediately access licensee data in real time. KSAMS-bdi acts as a perfect complement for eRenewals and product registrations.

Kelly State Inspection and Investigation System (KSIIS)

Accessing manually filed inspector case reports has always been a time-consuming task. Kelly Registration Systems helps government agencies ensure the timeliness and accuracy of these inspection and investigation processes through KSIIS (Kelly State Inspection and Investigation System). This platform provides state agricultural agencies with proven, hosted solutions that automate field pesticide inspections, investigations, sampling, and enforcement.

Through KSIIS, case reports and inspections performed by your inspectors and investigators are automatically filed upon completion. Depending on your role either in the field or back in the office, you have the ability to manage workflows to streamline communication and data that can make everyone’s jobs easier. A consolidated database easily integrates KSIIS with KSAMS-pr and KSAMS-bdi platforms, allowing states to create inspections associated with existing business licenses.

State Hemp Licensing Automation

Since 2018, the United States has seen a near 500% increase in licensed hemp growers. Even with a slight downtown in 2020, the hemp industry is poised to continue thriving. Kelly Registration Systems aims to assist state agricultural departments with this new influx of licensing and permits through its hemp program management software. With this new agricultural software, KRS manages permits for hemp farmers, hemp handlers, and hemp processors.

This hemp manufacturer licensing software fully automates the licensing of state hemp farmers, greatly improving the process for both state administrators and hemp farmers and handlers.

Simplifying the World of Hemp Production

States such as South Carolina have adopted KRS’s hemp software. In such a rapidly growing industry, state agricultural administrators and hemp producers rely on accuracy and efficiency. Kelly Registration Systems has developed its hemp permits and licensing software specifically to help states manage the growth while allowing hemp farmers to continue their development.

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